Field Monitoring Reports Project Revealed Live on TV

29 Temmuz 2020

Lütfi Sunar, Chairman of ILKE Foundations Executive Board and the Project Coordinator for Field Monitoring Reports (AIR), Taha Eğri, Director, Research Center for Islamic Economics (IKAM), and İbrahim Hakan Karataş, a Senior Researcher at ILKE Foundation, jointly launched the Field Monitoring Reports Project during a live broadcast on TVnet in its program Gündem Özel Live.

As a premier institution of research and development in Turkey, we feel the pulse of the society hence regularly conduct research and propose policies and strategies to blaze the trail for the policy makers and direct them towards the right track. This project has been launched with a similar objective in which field monitoring reports in four major areas; Islamic economics; Education; Law and, Civil Society are planned to be published.

The first two reports in this series, Field Monitoring Report on Islamic Economics 2019 and Field Report on Education 2019 were also shared with public during this program. The economic report has been edited by Research Center for Islamic Economics (IKAM’s) coordinator Ahsan Shafiq and contains three main chapters besides several opinion articles form experts of the field. Taha Eğri, while presenting the contenting of this report, stated that the studies on Islamic economics in Turkey have gradually matured with the developments in the field in recent years. Indicating that the country’s President's statement "Islamic economics is the key to escape the crisis", he stated that it is a concrete example of the dire need for this field.

İbrahim Hakan Karataş while presenting the report on education said that 2019 was a year in which a total revision and renewal process for the Turkish education system was opened for discussion. Karataş also said that a productive year has passed in terms of preparation, planning and design for the improvement of the 2019 education system. The Education Monitoring Report 2019 examines the developments in the field of education throughout the year and special areas that are not on the agenda.