Education Monitoring Report 2021 Introduced to the Public

13 Nisan 2022

Research Center for Education Policy (EPAM), operating under the umbrella of the İLKE Foundation, presented the third of the Education Monitoring Reports, the Education Monitoring Report 2021, to the public at the İLKE Foundation on April 9, 2022. The report was edited by Assoc. Dr. Ibrahim Hakan Karatas; he presented the information about the preparation process and content of the report and made his evaluations about the report with the opening of the program.

The program has continued with Yusuf Alpaydın's evaluation presentation with an opinion letter in which it evaluates educational policies after COVID-19 which contributes to the report of 2021. Another speaker of the program is Associate Professor Dr. Ali Ozdemir from the Department of Educational Administration of Marmara University expressed his views on the alternative education practices needed in our education system when evaluating the education system in Turkey in 2021.

The last speaker of the program is Dr. Murat Bulbul took part in the report with a letter of opinion titled “Evaluation of the Regulations Made for Educational Inspection Systems in 2021”. Bülbül expressed the problems of the education inspection system and suggested solutions to these problems by connecting to the program remotely. At the end of the program, especially ILKE Foundation Board of Trustees Chairman Prof. Dr. Nihat Erdogmus and stakeholders expressed their views, who participated in the promotion organization of the report.