An Introductory Meeting of the Islamic Economics History Project Held at İLKE

23 Haziran 2022

The Islamic Economic History Project prepared by the Islamic Economic Research Center (IKAM) completed. The project, completed by an expert team as a result of a long period of study, was presented to the public on June 22 at the İLKE Foundation.

At the project promotion meeting, a website introduced that will be offered for the benefit of researchers within the scope of the Project. A panel held on the topic "What Does the History of Islamic Economics Tell Us Today?" moderated by Prof. Dr. Suleyman Kaya. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Tabakoglu, Assoc. Dr. Faruk Bal and Dr. Uzeyir Serdar Serdaroglu participated in the program as a panelist.

The history of the Islamic Economics Project has been prepared in a chronological order by including important events that have occurred since the beginning of Islam, institutions, scholars, and their featured works from an economic history perspective. The project, which aims to present the history of Islamic economics in a web-based software framework and chronologically offers a holistic perspective and a chronological framework to researchers and interested parties working in the field of Islamic economics in today's world. İn the preparation of this project, people, institutions, events, books, magazines, articles, and contracts have been selected as the focal point and aimed to follow these seven content in a parallel direction. In the future, it is expected that this online platform will become a dictionary where the development of Islamic economics can be studied more in dept.

Within the scope of the project:

-253 People

-190 Books

-106 Events

 -88 Institutions

- Type 20

-40+ Concepts and magazines

has been added.