Traditional İLKE Iftar Organization Held

15 Nisan 2022

Executives and employees of İLKE institutions and the İLKE community came together at the iftar organization, which is traditionally organized by the İLKE Foundation.

Chairman of the Board of Trustees Nihat Erdogmus, Chairman of the Executive Board Lutfi Sunar, Members of the Board of Trustees and Executive Board, İLEM President Abdülkadir Macit, İGİAD President Ayhan Karahan, YEKDER President Huseyin Turkan, executives of İLKE institutions, employees and the families of the İLKE community participated to the iftar organization. After the iftar, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees Nihat Erdogmus, and a member of the Board of Directors Huseyin Akkus, made greeting speeches in the program that began with the recitation of the Koran.