- The Platform 27
The Platform 27
Muslims have developed various ways to engage in social and political life with their own identities in the regions they inhabit. In societies governed by authoritarian regimes, the public sometimes chooses not to participate in elections as a political stance, while at other times they take to the streets and engage in social protests to be included in the political sphere. As minorities in the places they reside, Muslims demand their rights and aspirations in accordance with the social and political system they are part of, and they make their presence felt as an important political community in those regions. In the 27th issue of the Platform, we delve into the political and social participation of the Muslim communities in different regions across the globe. Experts in the field analyse the political and social representation of Muslims in the United Kingdom, Morocco, Iran, Egypt, Tunisia, Palestine, and Central Asia.
The role and influence of civil society organizations is crucial when discussing the political and social participation of Muslim societies. The IGMG (Islamic Community Millî G.rüş), which operates actively both in Europe and globally, stands as a special and distinctive example in this regard. For this issue, we had the privilege of conducting an insightful interview with Kemal Oztürk, the Central President of IGMG, who addressed our questions regarding the organization and the future of Muslims in Europe.
Furthermore, in this edition, we have an insightful interview with Prof. Dr. Lütfi Sunar, that brings his perspective on the contemporary intellectual contributions of the Muslim world to the fore. Muslim social solidarity is one of the significant factors that enhance the social participation of Muslim communities across the globe, beyond the regions they reside in. Islamic social finance that serves as a means of social solidarity, is evaluated in its theoretical and practical aspects.
The political situation in Sudan that is going through a turbulent period, stands as an important topic on the agenda of the Muslim world. In the analysis titled “Sudan: Transition to Chaos,” Dr. Serhat Orakçı presents important insights into the current political landscape of Sudan. The book review section includes assessments of the “Contemporary Thought in the Muslim World” series and the book titled “Generation M: Young Muslims Changing the World” authored by Shelina Jan Mohamed.
In this issue that focuses on the political and social participation, we have featured a portrait of a figure who has contributed unique perspectives from a contemporary standpoint. Muhammed Abid al-Jabiri is a renowned scholar who has produced remarkable works on both the historical evolution and intellectual foundations of Islamic political thought. His scholarly worldview is examined by Dr. Muhammet Çelik. Furthermore, this issue includes an infographic that provides a quantitative analysis of the socio-political participation in the Muslim world.