Research Center for Social Thought and Policy (TODAM) Established

10 Mart 2021

ILKE in continuation of its commitment to education, research and development has established a new research center under its structure namely Research Center for Social Thought and Policy (TODAM). The center is being headed by ILKE Executive Board Director, Dr. Lutfi Sunar, an associate professor at Istanbul Medeniyet University, department of Sociology. 

TODAM has been founded to realize the goal of a just, equitable and prosperous society. In addition to contributing to the social thought, it aims at proposing practicable solutions to the contemporary challenges. With the research that takes place at TODAM, the intellectual trends in Turkey and around the world are closely followed and analyzed from a critical perspective while maintaining a close intellectual interaction with the whole world. At TODAM, we address important social problems by reviewing them and proposing practicable solutions for them. The civil society studies that were started under ILKE’s Corporate Governance Academy (KYA) are also being carried out by TODAM now. Hence, at TODAM, we strive to coin solutions for contemporary social problems paving a way towards positive social change by sticking to our values.