Islamic Moral Thought


One of the topics discussed by many disciplines within Islamic thought is the issue of morality. This field, which has found a place for itself in the branches of both religious and philosophical disciplines, is handled and debated from various aspects in proportion to purpose that is aimed at and the problems that emerge. For this reason, no matter in which branch of science people in contact with Islamic thought are interested, their being unacquainted with topics that enter into the moral sciences is inconceivable. In addition to this, members from each branch of science will clearly follow the questions/problems of the field in which they are interested and the issue of morality using principles. The obligation to address the field of morality from the perspective of these disciplines created by this besiegement in the field uncovered the “Islamic Moral Thought Project”, which the Scientific Studies Association (İLEM)  and the Association of Science, Culture, and Education (İLKE) started in 2013. The main purpose of this project, which consists of many different components, is to enable qualified scientific studies and to assure the raising of researchers who study morality in this process by having the studies compiled in the field of morality emerge within a specific system.


The Scope of the Project

Although moral thought in general is a field of study that covers the entire history of moral thought, within this project, which covers moral thought from a holistic perspective, in this project, weight will be given to studies about Islamic moral thought in the project’s first stage. The scope of the project is foreseen within the framework of the mentioned subject as the texts that have entered the field of Islamic moral thought, the thinkers who have written works on this area, and contemporary studies made about the field.

The Objectives of the Project

To open new possibilities and research areas to the Islamic world in the field of moral thought; to contribute to producing more fertile works by allowing studies to be classified in certain directions and areas,
To reveal the foundations of Islamic morality and its current meaning,
To bring the heritage of Islamic moral culture to a state that can be used in academic studies,
To reveal the methodological problems related to researching Islamic civilization, especially Islamic moral thought, and to bring the solutions together,
To conduct studies possessing academic methodology and style that will set an example and form the standard in this field,
To train experts by means of the studies to be done, especially in the dimensions of great people, concepts, matters, institutions, periods, literature, and region.
To make the agenda of today’s world of science and ideas by regaining the matters discussed in the pre-modern period of Islam on moral thought and thus take advantage of the great measure of moral problems already identified, assayed, and criticized from the accumulations of the past, and to determine the continuity of religious and rational thought in Islamic civilization in the context of moral thought through the scientific works and activities that will emerge.


Ömer Türker


Kübra Bilgin Tiryaki
