İLKE AGENDA| Despite the Glass Ceilings: A Conversation with Leading Women in Academia and Business

23 Mart 2024

The webinar delved into the multifaceted challenges encountered by women in academia and the business world, featuring valuable insights from Professor Aminah Al Deen and Farzana Rahman. Throughout the discussion, the emphasis was placed on the pivotal role of mentorship, self-confidence, and the demanding nature of entrepreneurship.

Professor Al Deen clarified the challenges prevailing in academia, highlighting the need for mentorship and continuous support for women. She highlighted the significance of creating environments conducive to bolstering women's confidence and amplifying their voices. Moreover, Professor Al Deen emphasized the importance of fostering resilience and perseverance amidst the gender-based obstacles prevalent in academic settings. 

Farzana Rahman provided nuanced insights into the challenges encountered in entrepreneurship, shedding light on the relentless nature of business ownership. She clear up how the 24/7 mental engagement demanded by entrepreneurship poses significant hurdles for women, often impeding their ability to achieve work-life balance. Furthermore, Rahman highlighted the pervasive struggles faced by female business owners in delegating responsibilities and relinquishing control.

In conclusion, the webinar provided invaluable insights into the challenges confronting women in academia and the business sphere. Professor Al Deen and Farzana Rahman's contributions marked the transformative potential of mentorship, self-confidence, and resilience in surmounting gender-based obstacles. Overall, this seminar not only shed light on the systemic barriers hindering women's advancement but also underscored the significant need for concerted efforts to foster inclusive and equitable professional environments.