A Seminar on the Changing Face of Sufism in Southeast Asia

25 Ekim 2022

A seminar was organised under the theme "The Changing Face of Sufism in the Southeast Asia" with a popular Malaysian academician and social scientist, Dr. Ahmed Fauzi Abdul Hamid on Tuesday October 25, 2022 at ILKE Foundation. The speaker who has over 30 years experience in the field is a senior faculty member at University Sains Malaysia USM.

The speaker brought to the light the contribution Sufi trends have made to the Southeast Asian regions as well as their role in the spread of Islam. Besides mentioning different tariqats in the Sufi group of SEA, the guest also highlighted the pivotal role mysticism has played in curbing the challenge of extremism in those countries. The seminar received rich participation of academicians and students, mostly postgraduate and concluded in a good environment with presentation of souvenir to the guest speaker.