2021 Islamic Economics Awards Announced

21 Eylül 2021

The 9th Islamic Economics Workshop, organized by the Research Center for Islamic Economics (IKAM), was held at Istanbul Ticaret University between 17-19 September 2021 with the theme of "The Problem of Development and Underdevelopment" where Islamic Economics Awards were also presented.

The Islamic Economics Awards, which have been in place for four years, are given to support individual contributions to the field of Islamic Economics and to encourage quality studies in the discipline. Since 2018, the awards are given in 4 categories namely, research, contribution, application, and thesis.

The Islamic Economics Research Award is given as an appreciation for ground breaking work in the field of Islamic economics. This award was given In 2018, to Cengiz Kallek, in 2019, to Prof. Dr. Sabri Orman and in 2020, to Dr. Monzer Kahf. This year's Islamic Economics Research Award was conferred upon world known economist Prof. Dr. Mabid Ali Al-Jarhi.

The Contribution to Islamic Economics Award was given to Abdul Azim Islahi for his contributions to the discipline by creating a strong awareness of the history of economic thought by researching, teaching and expanding the boundaries of this field.

Islamic Economics Application Award was awarded to Karz-ı Hasen Foundation this year. The Award was presented to Mehmet Koca, the Chairman of the foundation's Board of Trustees.

The last category, The Islamic Economics Thesis Award was given to Cem Korkut for his doctoral study titled "Capital Formation, Accumulation and Structure in Islamic Economy: Model and Policy Suggestions for Turkey in Fundraising".